A tuff day. Coming home on the blue line from a day at immigration. Her husband can continue to beat, rape, oral sex or I kill you, punch, abuse, any thing he wants, break her legs, arm, neck, kill her. When he's done and satisfied, he can have her deported. This is the law. She has no rights. I had tears in my eyes.
Palatine raped me with the blessings of many, no body cared.
I got a good idea, but not close, what she's going threw. Nobody cares, but me.
He has started the deportation process against her.
in the mean time......
the Palatine High School choir perform at the White House
Nobody in this town, state or country gives a shit, I wounder what Moscow would say.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/25/world/europe/25russia.html

At 20 years old, a school teacher (a gifted, child whiz kid), that could speak, read and write 6 different languages with university diplomas at the age of 18. Nobody has seen her draw or paint (I have), she is a incarnated Van Gogh.
This is 95 pounds of God given talent. I would bet, with another 4 years, she could speak, read and write in 6 more languages. Heck there is no telling what she could achieve. I would bet she could fly threw law school in a year if she wanted, paint a mural on the side of a mountain, commercial artiest, police scratch artiest, acting school, you name it, this woman is on a different wave length.
The deportation process is under way.
Her crime, is, a year and half of sexual, physical and mental abuse, by her American spouse, who threatened her with brutality or murder, if she spoke to the authorities..
What good would it do any way? She told me what immigration would say and she was right. I told her about village cops and false documents in reports then gives them to the court and how the village council helps to cover em up. How the states attorney, attorney general, the judges, governor helps to conceal. And besides, this guy probably gets em all drunk and treats them to other stuff.
That a cop is probably not your friend.
Her crime was coming to America and believing in this country.
Piss flows down hill. I think we all get the picture.